


Kdaj: 12.10.2020 19:00 - 20:00

𝗠𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗻𝗼𝘀𝘁? 𝗣𝗿𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗰𝗲? 𝗘𝗨𝗬𝗢𝗨? 🤔

Če ti te besede odzvanjajo v mislih, vabljeni na uvodno srečanja projekta EUYOU.

Namen dogodka je predvsem povezovanje skozi debato in odpirati razmisleke o demokratičnosti in pravicah mobilnih EU državljanov. 

EUYOU je pilotni projekt konzorcija slovenskih organizacij, namenjen ozaveščanju in svetovanju o državljanskih pravicah mobilnih državljanov EU ter vključevanju mobilnih državljanov EU v lokalne demokratične skupnosti.

*Mobilni državljani EU so vsi tisti državljani članic EU27, ki bivajo ali delajo v državi EU, ki ni njihova matična država.

Projekt se bo odvijal v obliki srečanj (v štirih sklopih). Prvo srečanje je namenjeno druženju in spoznavanju!

Kaj pridobimo z udeležbo? 

- nove informacije glede priložnosti za delo, študij in prostovoljstvo v tujini

- nove informacije glede pravic mobilnih EU državljanov

- nova poznanstva, ki bodo ostala tudi po štirih dogodkih

- moč podajanja predlogov o pravicah mladih v EU

- potrdilo o udeležbi na vseslovenskem projektu EUYOU in soustvarjanju štirih dogodkov


𝗠𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆? 𝗥𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀? 𝗘𝗨𝗬𝗢𝗨? 🤔

If these words resonate in your mind you are invited to an introductory meeting EUYOU project.

The purpose of the event is primarily to connect through debate and open up reflections on democracy and rights of mobile EU citizens. 

EUYOU is a pilot project of a consortium of Slovenian organizations, aimed at raising awareness and advising on the civil rights of mobile EU citizens and the integration of mobile EU citizens in local democratic communities.

* Mobile EU citizens are all EU27 nationals residing or working in an EU country other than their home country.

The project is going to unfold in four meetings. The first meeting is reserved for meeting each other

What’s to gain?

- New information about opportunities for jobs, studies and volunteer work abroad.

- New friendships that will last much longer than just four events!

- The power of making suggestions about the rights of young population in the EU.

- A certificate of participating in the project EUYOU and co-creating the four events, which serves as a reference.

Rezervacije / Reservations  →


Dogodek bo izveden v skladu s pravili NIJZ. // The event will be held in accordance with NIJZ rules.